Ashford Clinic Blog
Can't Breathe Through Your Nose at Night? Here's why.
You’re ready to get a good night’s sleep, but almost as soon as your head hits the pillow you just can’t seem to breathe through your nose. Does this sound familiar?
There are a handful of common causes to that uncomfortable feeling of not being able to breathe through your nose when you’re trying to sleep. They can include nasal congestion, obstruction, or even a deviated septum.
Nasal congestion might not be as noticeable during the day, but once gravity isn’t able to help drain sinuses as quickly, pressure can build. This pressure is caused by mucus that is being produced but has nowhere to go. Conditions such as allergies, the common cold, or sinusitis are often the cause.
An obstruction in the form of nasal polyps can also cause difficulty breathing at night, and even cause pain. While in some cases surgery might be required to remove the obstruction, steroid sprays are sometimes an effective option.
When the cartilage in your nose leans to one side or the other, it’s called a deviated septum. Depending on how the bend is positioned, it can block the nasal passage and lead to difficulty breathing through your nose. Surgery is required in order to correct the bend.
For some of these causes, there are ways that you can treat yourself at home. Saline sprays and rinses can help clear mucus from nasal passages. Over-the-counter medications can reduce inflammation and irritation. You can also improve the air quality in your bedroom with air purifiers, monitor and maintain comfortable humidity levels, make sure that your bed linens are clean, and use covers to reduce dust mites.
If your breathing at night doesn’t improve, give us a call. We want to help you get to the root of your discomfort, and determine the best treatment option for you. After all, a good night's sleep is something that everyone should be able to enjoy.