How Are You Sleeping?

SleepStudy-Home-Sm.jpgIt's common knowledge at this point that sleep is vitally important to our overall health, but so many of us deal with sleep issues and disorders night after night. Every year, some 40 million Americans suffer from chronic long-term sleep disorders and an additonal 20 million have occasional sleep issues, according tothe National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. With that said, many people ignore these issues because they are under the impression that the diagnosis and treatment process for sleep issues and disorders is costly and complicated, complete with strange machines and overnight lab fees.

There is a better way. At Ashford Clinic, we offer convenient and more cost-effective home-based sleep studies, which compliment our treatment of the sinuses, snoring, sleep apnea, and other ENT issues that can impact a patient's quality of sleep. These studies are sometimes necessary to determine exactly what is disturbing a patient's sleep as well as the best course of treatment. It's never been easier to deal with sleep issues, so call us today at 706-248-6860 to learn more or schedule an appointment.