How to Deal with Indoor Allergies

Fotolia_102329790_XS.jpgMost people who suffer from seasonal allergies are happy to see the brown grass and bare trees, as that means that the traditional triggers for allergy symptoms have gone dormant until spring. Unfortunately, the cold months aren't allergy symptom-free for everyone, as the allergy triggers for many people don't stop at the door to your home. Millions of people suffer year-round from symptoms brought on by indoor allergens that remain active all year long. So, what are these indoor allergens and what can be done about them?

Types of Indoor Allergens

Dust Mites

These tiny particles can get everywhere, including your pillows, mattress, box springs, and carpeting. Humidity makes them grow faster, so that humidifier in your bedroom may be working against you if it's going above 50 percent humidity. Those who have dust mite allergies often wake up feeling stuffy in the mornings as they have spent the whole night sleeping on a surface that they are allergic to. What can be done about dust mites? Using dust mite covers for your pillows, mattress, and box springs can help, as well as washing linens (and maybe stuffed animals" in hot water (over 130 degrees) and drying them on dry heat.


These tiny, parasitic fungi live everywhere, and they have spores that float in the air like pollen. Mold allergies are particularly troublesome during the winter months as fungi can grow year-round in damp indoor areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. Cleaning these areas prone to becoming damp with a bleach solution and keeping them dry can help to combat the growth and spread of mold in your home.


Unfortunately, we can be allergic to our furry friends and family living in our homes. The most common pet-based allergy trigger is pet dander - the dead flakes of skin shed by pets with fur - but reactions can also be caused by the pet's saliva or urine. Because pets tend to spend more time indoors during the cold months, our exposure to them and the likelihood of developing symptoms is increased. Some steps that you can take to limit your exposure to pet allergens can include keeping them out of bedrooms, keeping them in areas that are not carpeted, regular bathing of pets, brushing pets outside, and regular vaccuming.

Treating Indoor Allergies

Step one for treating your allergy symptoms is finding out what causes them. At Ashford Clinic, we offer pain-free, in-office allergy testing that can help us identify what exactly causes your allergy symptoms. Our preferred allergy treatment is easy, convenient allergy drops, customized to help you with your specific allergens. Give us a call at 706-248-6860 or contact us to learn more about allergy testing and allergy treatment and to schedule an appointment.