How To Deal With Sinus Symptoms Caused by Pet Allergies

AdobeStock_300511792_small.jpgFor many of us, pets are family members. They bring joy, companionship, and comfort to our lives, so why wouldn't we want to keep them inside where it’s comfortable? Sometimes though, their presence can trigger allergies leading to sinus issues. If you suspect that your precious pet is causing your sinus symptoms, there are steps you can take to create a better situation for everyone involved.

First of all, determine what exactly you are allergic to. While your allergies might be from your pet, they could also be from allergens brought inside by pets. Identifying the source of your allergies will help you choose the best course of action in order to comfortably coexist with your pet. Talk with your doctor about Allergy Testing.

Don’t let pets in the bedroom. While it might be tempting to let your pet sleep in your bedroom or even on the bed with you, this can wreak havoc on your sinuses while you sleep. Not only do you risk waking up with sinus pain and pressure, but you’re likely to suffer poor sleep quality as well.

Use HEPA air filters to reduce airborne allergens. You’ll want a system that will run continuously, and there are multiple options depending on your home.  If your central HVAC doesn’t support a HEPA filter add-on, single room units are effective. Just make sure that your unit accommodates the square footage of the room that it’s in.

Bathe your pet regularly. Pet hygiene is essential if you suffer from pet-related allergies. Weekly washings will help reduce dander buildup and shedding. Plus, pets tend to bring in dirt and other allergens from the outdoors if they are outside regularly.

Keep pets off of furniture. Just like your bedroom, sofas and upholstered chairs should be off-limits for pets if their dander and fur trigger your allergies. If you still want to cuddle with them on the sofa, consider pet throws or pet sofa covers that can be washed regularly.

Vacuum and clean regularly. Homes with carpet are really good at attracting pet hair and dander, so vacuuming thoroughly at LEAST once a week is essential. Investing in a quality vacuum with a HEPA filtration system will also help. If your home has primarily hard surface flooring, you still need to clean the floors at least once a week.

Treat your sinus issues directly. Allergy meds such as antihistamines are helpful short term, or for trying to identify some allergens. For long term solutions, balloon sinuplasty is a good option. Your doctor might also suggest trying allergy drops or other treatment options.