What's Making You Sneeze This Spring?

AdobeStock_123655925_small.jpgJust when you thought it was safe to step outside, the Spring Allergy Season comes raging back. Whether you have the slightest bit of a runny nose after a long walk or can't go to the mailbox without feeling like you have a full-blown sinus infection, you're one the millions of Americans who suffer from Spring Allergies every year. But what's causing these symptoms, and where does that yellow haze come from? Let's take a look at the common culprits of your spring allergy symptoms.

Tree Pollen

Springtime is most closely associated with tree pollen, as trees produce small pollen cells that are light and dry, and can be carried far by the spring breeze. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, there are eleven types of trees that trigger allergy symptoms in the spring, including...

  • Oak
  • Western red cedar
  • Sycamore
  • Maple
  • Elm
  • Birch
  • Ash
  • Cypress
  • Walnut
  • Hickory
  • Poplar

If you're outside around this time of year and find yourself experiencing congestion, sneezing, itchiness in your eyes, you're probably allergic to one of these trees. This is especially true on days that are warm, dry, and a bit windy. All of these trees release their pollen around the same time every year, so it's important to get Allergy Testing to determine exactly what is causing your symptoms.


Another common cause of allergy symptoms year-round, particularly from spring through fall, is mold. Mold spores can be found indoors and outdoors and trigger similar symptoms as tree pollen. 

What can be done about your allergies? Allergy Testing is a great place to start. Once we know what triggers your symptoms, we at Ashford Clinic utilize convenient and effective allergy drops to provide relief. Call our office to see what appointment scheduling might look like at this time.