13 Oct

“Why does my Face Hurt?” A Guide to Facial Sinus Pain

Pain from sinus pressure doesn’t always present itself in the sinuses alone - the pain and discomfort can also appear in the areas of the face surrounding the sinuses. So, if you are experiencing pressure or an aching feeling in your brow, cheeks, or forehead, it’s likely that you’re experiencing a sinus headache. The pain is usually worse if you’re leaning forward, as that puts more pressure on your sinuses. You might even feel pain in your teeth - this is because of the proximity of your jaw to your sinus cavities.

16 Dec

Sinus Ear Pressure Tips

Pain from sinus pressure is bad enough when it affects your eyes, cheekbones, nose, and forehead. When that pressure is also causing pain in your eyes, you just want it gone, and fast. When it comes to ear pain from sinus pressure, the trick to pain relief is generally the same as treating other forms of sinus pressure. This is because the pain itself is due to how close your ears are located to your sinuses. Here are some ways that you can treat and relieve that sinus ear pain.

26 Nov

We're Thankful for You! Our Commitment to Our Patients

The holiday season is a time to reflect on the many joys and blessings in our lives, whether they are a smile from a friendly face or the generosity of a dear loved one. At the Ashford Clinic, we are so thankful to have such wonderful patients, and we want to provide each and every one of you with the highest level of care possible.

11 Nov

Sinus Headache Help

Sinus headaches are no fun. When your sinuses become blocked, one of the uncomfortable side effects is a sinus headache. The pressure is usually felt around your eyes, between your eyes, and above your nose. To get rid of a sinus headache, you’ll need to address whatever is causing the blockage in your sinuses, and that could require a trip to see your ENT. In the meantime though, there are ways that you can treat the pain and soothe those painful sinuses.